Thursday, March 23, 2023

When day equalled night, and light achieved harmony with the dark, the Equinox Connectathon brought together those who would extend those synergies throughout the year.  As part of the effort to achieve a lasting balance, I invite you to consider 8 steps toward regaining ancient truth.


May equality guide our future to an ancestral renaissance.


8 Steps toward Ancestral Equilibrium

1.     Write equal rights for women back into law.

2.     Use science and law to distinguish fact from fiction.

3.     Reinstate women as full owners of themselves and their possessions.

4.     Punish rapists instead of their victims.

5.     Identify and reinstate Celtic tributes as part of Europe’s cultural legacy.

6.     Tax entities that discriminate against women; use taxes for the public good.

7.     Require religion to compensate those it harms.

8.     Convert churches back into halls for festivity, free and open for all 


Wednesday, March 8, 2023



Homage to you, now among other Druids. 
Your light sparkles ever truer. 

Monday, March 6, 2023


Celtic Defenders of Europe’s Freedom 


New light reveals roots that burrow deep into a darkened past. 

Europe was devastated not by barbarians, but by conquerors. 


Now we need the truth about Celtic valor that has been claimed by conquerors and conquerors' atrocities that have been blamed on others. Let's start with answers to these questions: At what point do atrocities go from reprehensible to “political”? 

When should we praise a man for committing atrocities against his own child? 

How lethal must lies grow before we risk offending the commander?

This inquiry traces wines, not wars. It applauds democracy and loathes conquerors. 

The end goal is justice FOR ALL.