Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Riches of Inclusivity

As an antidote to exclusivity and intolerance, the riches of inclusivity summon like a familiar mirage. Fully embracing a fair society means confronting the vagaries of the past square-on, without turning away. Though far from an easy task, the gains to be won can bring prosperity and freedom for all.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

As we isolate for the holidays, we'd like to share some delightful insights that we gained while working on the Parks and Gardens in Greater Paris book.   Because we filmed the book several times, we came to know places better than we would have otherwise.  We particularly loved the area of Fontainebleau - and I've tried to show you a little bit of the reason for that in this 4-minute clip. 

A favored place for millennia, Milly-la-ForĂȘt memorializes its past by preserving historic edifices and maintaining a flourishing commerce in medicinal and culinary plants. Neighboring Fontainebleau became the first National Forest in the world thanks to artists who successfully petitioned NapolĂ©on III with their painted tributes to its natural beauty. These south-of-Paris woodlands also give rare views into Europe’s hidden past.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Charlemagne from Paris to Prague
New Short Film


Thursday, November 5, 2020

   Global Warming - What to Do!   

 Join us at the table for insights on atmospheric controls that all of us can do to improve environmental conditions. With everyone's steadfast eye on elemental measures, the earth can become more habitable for all.

Friday, October 23, 2020

In answer to a friend's question "why separate church and state," we have produced the following short clip that we hope you will find of interest. It is posted on our hiddenwomenbooks website as an election special.

The BIG Problem with Being a Church State
Finding the common denominator, representation of all the people - lofty concepts, but to do it? How do you identify divisive elements in governance, the infectious mind viruses designed to divide and conquer? 

The past lights the path forward.

                                                   A New Short Film by Hidden Women Books


Announcing New York City Big Book Awards Winners - 
Hidden Women Books


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Announcing the new edition of 
Finding Slovenia 
A Guide to Old Europe's New Country

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

 HIDDEN WOMEN Films now up on public access TV

Tune in Midpenmedia in Palo Alto to watch 





Thursday, August 6, 2020

Announcing a new release
Fourth in the Hidden Women Series


Available on Amazon
Recent finds shine a new light on Charlemagne. The head of the Holy Roman Empire was not holy, never Roman and no emperor. Instead, he and his family all founded secular abbeys - in the days before abbeys excluded women, of course.

Although little physical evidence survives from that era, these few remaining vestiges speak volumes. The advances made in Iron Age archaeology open new views of a beautiful medieval world long dismissed as barbaric. A buried cosmopolitan past is coming to life in all its flourish, bustle and elegance.

While that might be nice to know, it’s also crucial to confront what really happened in Europe’s past in order to deal with the world now. The measure is: How did they treat their women? How females fare shows who is working toward what end. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Liberty For All

By Jacqueline Widmar Stewart, with Bernadette Theissen

In English and French, with English subtitles



Announcing the new release of the short film Liberty for All.  Look behind the scenes at the forces driving the quest for liberty in France and America; hear the voices from both sides of the Atlantic that led up to the two revolutions.  With the help of archaeology, uncover some of France's Gallic roots that reveal a tradition of liberty that included both men and women.  As a culmination, listen to the words of France's 20thcentury warrior who raised a rallying cry for freedom that still resounds to the present day.  


Lest freedom slip away while the world deals with pestilence, earnings and survival, please spend a brief moment with us to consider the high cost of losing it.

Monday, June 8, 2020

From rain to wine

From savagery, may roses bloom;
May action rise from harms.
May parents have their children back
To loving, outstretched arms.

May fields and fields of poppies grow
Where battles have been fought;
May liberty find endless homes,
And peace be ever taught.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020



Author receives national recognition through the INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARDS®!
Palo Alto, California, May 5, 2020 -- The INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD recognized the two most recent books in the HIDDEN WOMEN series: Frankish Splendor and Valor in Celtic Europe and Celtic Burgundy in Europe by Jacqueline Widmar Stewart in the categories of World History and Women’s Issues as winner and distinguished favorite, respectively.
The competition is judged by experts from different aspects of the book industry, including publishers, writers, editors, book cover designers and professional copywriters. Selected award winners and distinguished favorites are based on overall excellence.
In this multi-disciplinary study narrated by photography, poetry, maps and text, Hidden Women books bring vantage views into a wealthy, innovative, nature-loving Celtic civilization that spanned Europe from the British Isles to Hungary.  From archaeological finds right up to the present-day, the author traces some of the common threads that were beautifully woven by both genders over some 3000 years.  One discrepancy stands out:  Europe’s pre-Christian residents esteemed women, whereas invaders and imperialists do not.  By embracing the Celtic legacy of freedom and equality, the world can regain an open, cosmopolitan society that honors achievement regardless of gender.
HIDDEN WOMEN:  Frankish Splendor and Valor in Celtic Europe, category World History:  The name “Frank” recalls the Frankish role in freeing Europe from Roman imperialism in the 5th century.  Later Frankish men and women - including Charlemagne, his mother, grandmother and sister - founded abbeys that functioned like secular academic villages.  Even today, viticulture from Pannonia to the Rhineland evidences on-going Frankish presence, as do exquisite health resort towns at ancient hot springs.
HIDDEN WOMEN:  Celtic Burgundy in Europe, category Women’s Issues:  Known primarily for its wines, Europe’s Burgundy family also excelled in hydrology, textiles and literature.  Because female Burgundian leaders sequestered the Dukes of Burgundy library in Spain in the 15th century, the collection is open to the public at the national library in Brussels today.  Preserving this collection of largely secular work is particularly significant since so few non-religious writings survived 1400 years of heresy laws.  Some thousand years earlier, Burgundians had joined forces with other Celtic families to regain their Rhineland capital from Roman control.  A famed heroic epic, the Nibelungenlied, relates the story of a Burgundian widow from Borbetomagus (now Worms) who mounted a military campaign against the Romans after they had killed her husband.  Women then stood side by side with their men; both were decorated in gold for defending freedom.  
In 2020, the INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD had entries worldwide.  Participating authors and publishers reside in countries such as Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, India, Ireland, Portugal, Sweden, and others.  Books submitted included writers located in cities such as Austin to Memphis to Santa Cruz; from Copenhagen to Mumbai; from Albuquerque to Staten Island; from Boise to Honolulu, and others.
"We are thrilled to announce the winners and distinguished favorites in our annual 2020 INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD.  This year included a myriad of excellent independently published books.  It is clear that independents are prospering in every corner of the earth.  We are so proud to be highlighting key titles representing global independent publishing." said awards sponsor Gabrielle Olczak.
From Wikipedia:
About 2,400 publishers throughout the English-speaking world participate in the awards each year. In 2017 the contest drew over 5,000 entries, and medals were awarded to authors and publishers from 43 U.S. states, seven Canadian provinces and 15 countries. 
Books by IPPY winners in 2016, 2017 and 2018 were published by university presses including Princeton, Stanford, Yale, Wisconsin, Iowa, and other major university presses. Among the fiction gold medalists was Elena Ferrante's The Story of the Lost Child, originally published in Italy and issued in English by Europa. 
Previous winners in fiction categories include the small presses Milkweed, Coffee House, Graywolf, The Other Press, McPherson, Europa, and McSweeney's. IPPY Gold Medal winner Lord of Misrule also won the National Book Award and The Patience Stone also won France's Prix Goncourt for its French edition. David Eggers won a 2003 Outstanding Book of the Year for A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius.[3] Margaret Atwood won in 2003 for Negotiating with the Dead: A Writer on Writing. Juan Felipe Herrera, the United States Poet Laureate, won an IPPY gold medal in 2005 for Featherless (Desplumado).
For more information please visit; and to see this year's list of IPA Winners and Distinguished Favorites, please visit the website pages:


Tuesday, March 31, 2020

In Tribute to a Star Still Bright

Dear Irenca, your candle still shines
in a place we cannot yet see.
You meant the world to so many - 
May your spirit rest ever free.

Remembering Irene PovĆĄe,
A leading light in the quest for truth and freedom.

Bled, Slovenia, 2018

To see Traces of Franks and Wine in Celtic Europe, a presentation made to the Palo Alto University Rotary on March 27, 2020, please click this link to our YouTube channel

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Here's more information on two Celtic villages in Austria, with insights into women hidden in Europe's past.  
Wishing you and your family the best of health and happiness,

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Come explore with us!

Please watch this brief introduction to my three-book series on the unsung story of women.  

More to come! 

Available at Bell's in Palo Alto, Bookshop Santa Cruz and Amazon 

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

In Praise of Courageous Bookstores

In today's turbulent literary realms, two strong lanterns light the night.  Even in these communication-fraught times, family-owned businesses in Palo Alto and Santa Cruz still sustain an open marketplace.  The Hidden Women series gratefully resides in both collections.  

These brave purveyors of knowledge welcomed the books, even though Amazon prints and distributes them.  As a result, Bell's Books of Palo Alto  and the Bookshop Santa Cruz can offer a selection of books by local authors, and at lower prices.

All who cherish sanctuaries filled floor-to-ceiling with cerebral treasures pay homage to these beacons of a free society.                              

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Lexicus Press announces with pleasure the third interview conducted by international radio personality Donna Seebo.  A discussion of Hidden Women:  Frankish Splendor and Valor in Celtic Europe is available with the following link: