Saturday, January 18, 2025
Celtic tribes were centred around women
Celtic communities in Britain were ‘matriolocal’ — women stayed with their families and their husbands came to them — according to genetic analysis. Investigations of 55 individuals found in an Iron Age burial site in the south of England associated with the Durotriges tribe showed that two-thirds of them shared mitochondrial DNA. This form of DNA is passed only through mothers — a sign that they all descended from the same female ancestor. Matriolocality doesn’t necessarily equate to women’s empowerment, but the findings could explain why archaeologists often find Celtic women buried with goods such as jewellery and combs, while men weren’t afforded the same luxuries for the afterlife.
Science | 6 min read
Reference: Nature paper
Friday, January 3, 2025
Monday, June 3, 2024
In remembrance of Lia, a light that stills shine bright
in the Archive of Past Treasures
May Lia's memory inspire us now, even as her indomitable spirit did in life.
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
What a joy to read and to own this book. This and your other books enhance our library being the gifts that keep giving. The sum and substance of what I have read has enriched our travels in Europe opening my eyes to concepts and cultures which went unacknowledged for too long.