Tuesday, September 20, 2022

A Woman's Song 

Empire conquered Europe 

& women became Roman chattel.

Once Rome fell, though,

women regained their rights. 

Then Christian kingdoms & empires 

enslaved women again.

Nonetheless, family endures.

Women clutch freedom’s torch 

While rocking their children to sleep.


Friday, September 2, 2022

Why Magdalena?  
Magdalena's story necessarily begins with the human journey like everyone else's does. A heroic epic of invention and discovery likely attaches to this name, though. Magdalena - and its various forms like Madeleine - have been carried throughout Europe and still cling to Celtic Iron Age settlements.

A convincing amount of evidence suggests that some intrepid migrants made their way to La Madeleine in France's PĂ©rigord after the last Ice Age. These people were no "cave men," though. They tamed wolves into dogs. They built free standing shelters. Perhaps most notably, though, they etched female forms onto the walls of their caves - and their very name suggests that women were among their leaders. Come with us as we explore Magdalena’s significance across Europe. Though Caesars and the later Christian conquest may have tried to erase all traces of an extraordinary heritage, it’s time to reclaim this illustrious legacy as our own.