Tuesday, December 21, 2021


Dear Friends and Family,


You may remember my sister Suzanne, and it is to her memory that we dedicate this clip.  She knew the story of Suzanne and cross-examination - the tapestry in the clip used to hang in our hall.  My human genome results were hers too. Together we shared Slovenia’s passion for nature, its fabulous hot springs and pilgrimage treks to its river sources.  


This is my only regret:  Suz didn’t yet know the connections of her name with water, French placenames, Celts, and the Levant.  How she would have relished every one of those!         https://youtu.be/4GllPAEGias


On the subject of kinship - our recent trip to Europe helps us connect dots that before seemed so unrelated. We are excited to uncover and share other intriguing aspects of Europe’s past with you, with all of their global implications.  Thanks for your forbearance, interest and input with our film-making and, even more so, with our search for ancestral truths.


May all women thrive once more!


All best wishes for joyous holly-days,

Jacqui and Blair

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Names that survived 2000 years of invasions, conquests and occupying armies
come down to us as presence from the past. 

What's in a name? 
The keys to two millennia! 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021



Very educational and inspiring short video about the history of #CelticWomen, touching also the conditions of women...”   according to Violeta Bulc, former EU Commissioner


Saturday, September 25, 2021


Please consider which friends of yours need this information. Remy Steiner's done an excellent job with the revision. Thanks for passing WOMEN & FREEDOM along.



With all best regards,



#womensrightsarehumanrights #humanrightslaw #humanrights #Celts #Europeanpersecutions #jewishhistory #freedomfighters  #resistance

 “Kill the baby in the crib!” 

-       the authoritarian rallying cry through the ages.  Time to stamp out the snake again.

Monday, July 26, 2021


Please take a look at our recent presentation for NextNow that includes a short film, a slide show, and 2 poems. We appreciate NextNow's role in brightening the future by helping us shed light on the past's darkened corners.

All best regards,
Jacqueline Widmar Stewart

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

You are cordially invited to attend a compelling free Zoom session, scheduled on July 11 at 6 p.m. as part of a program series sponsored by NextNow, a group of technologists, humanitarians, and futurists focused on providing stimulating, meaningful exchanges on vital themes in our rapidly changing world. 

"Jacqui’s ~30 minute slide talk and film will center on her many years of research on Europe and the Pre-Christian era, some 3000 years ago when women held the status of partner with men in the Celtic culture. Her work culminates in powerful revelations and insights chronicled in her Hidden Women book series. Her presentation will challenge some of our established historical understanding about women’s roles in ancient Celtic/European cultures and show how the forces that diminished women’s elevated positions for centuries, are again threatening women’s freedoms today. In Women and Freedom, Jacqui weaves powerful correlations in Europe’s past that relate to America’s past and present dilemmas. 

 A graduate of Stanford Law School who practiced in the field of women’s rights, Jacqui will field questions about her 20-year quest and discoveries. Her husband Blair, former partner at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, and former US Naval Submarine Officer, will provide a science perspective." Please Register through www.Eventbrite.com At the top left in Search Events type in "Women & Freedom” A list of events will pop up, click on "NextNow event: JW Stewart, Women and Freedom July 11” --and follow to Register. www.lexicuspress.com www.hiddenwomenbooks.com

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Please sign and send along our petition for furtherance of freedom and justice

End 2000 years of discrimination against women & Jews by Jacqueline Widmar Stewart

To: EU President Ursula von der Leyen, First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon, US President Joe Biden and US Vice-President Kamala Harris

We seek the following remedies:

Guarantee freedom FROM religion • Conduct fact-based, science-based governance • Treat all individuals equally and fairly regardless of gender or cultural affiliations • Acknowledge Christianity’s past and present suppression of women and Jews • Reinstate to common European property ownership all property wrongfully apprehended for religious purposes - including but not limited to former Celtic festival halls, castles, abbeys, hot springs resorts, and artifacts • End all subsidies, tax credits and deductions to religious organizations that discriminate against people because they are women or Jewish • Enjoin permanently any and all such further discrimination, abuse and persecution • Acknowledge past and present wrongful loss of life to both female and Jewish populations of Europe • Acknowledge the past and prohibit the future wrongful seizure of public and private lands by government under religious auspices • Prevent these discriminations from being carried forward to future generations • Fully and justly compensate and remedy harms committed by discrimination

Why is this important?

Discrimination against women and the Jewish population in Europe traces back to the advent of Christianity. Discrimination against these two groups has become entrenched - as indiscernible as the air we breathe. Without understanding and eliminating the root causes, the world again risks subjugation by elitist male-only supremacists.

Archaeological evidence shows that before the advent of Christianity in Europe women were treated as equals. Since the advent of Christianity in Europe, Christian intolerance and exclusivity has proximately caused the denigration of women. Females have been persecuted under heresy laws which criminalized secular expression for 1400 years – by massive witch hunts, mock trials and burning at the stake, both in Europe and the United States. From the beginning Christianity excluded and maligned women, denouncing women as the gates of hell and falsely accusing them as responsible for original sin and loss of paradise. Christianity adopted Roman laws that cast women as chattel, without rights to own property, to inherit, or to have a political voice - with few exceptions.

Under the auspices of Christianity, armed attackers seized and overtook Celtic Europe’s common festival halls, abbeys and castles and artifacts and destroyed or repurposed them as religious. As part of that initiative, Christianity has conducted a 2000 years campaign to erase the role of women in achievements and valor, even to the point of claiming as Christian altarpieces those memorials to women that had been burned as witches.

The on-going religious suppression of thought and false narrative still negatively reinforces the wrongful and malicious treatment of women as inferiors to men.

Likewise, the Church State has subjugated Jewish populations, refusing them property ownership and carrying out campaigns to annihilate them, wrongfully endangering Jewish possessions, rights and lives. As a direct result of religious doctrines and practices of intolerance and exclusivity, Jewish people have suffered injustice and undue physical harm.

Europe’s Celtic ancestry

In the thousand years before the Year 0, that is also known as pre-Christian Europe, a vibrant Celtic population inhabited the lands that are now Hungary, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and the British Isles, and beyond. From evidence collected all across that area, a network of roads, trade, textiles, iron smelting, gold, salt and iron mining, farming hamlets, villages with market squares and festival halls formed the backbone of this society that was based on two major pillars: the preeminence of family and nature. Just before the advent of the Christian Era, Roman Emperor Julius Caesar described how he slaughtered and enslaved entire swaths of these Celtic populations. He and his legions came, saw, invaded and occupied, beginning with southern Gaul which is now modern France. As confirmed by archeological excavations, he starved the entire town of Alesia, which is now in Burgundy, France, and is estimated to have numbered in the tens of thousands at the time.

In the fifth century, Europe’s resident Celts led by the Frank and Burgundian families defeated Romans to regain the former Treveri capital of Trier, and the former Burgundian capital at Worms which had been overtaken for Rome’s European headquarters. The Celts thereby freed Europe from Roman enslavement.

Starting in about the 10th century, imperial Rome again attacked Europe, this time as Holy Romans, or Crusaders. By concentrating their sieges on specific targets like the 13-year onslaught on Carcassonne and the Baltic-Lithuanian campaign, and by making public spectacles of torture and killing of their victims, they sharpened their terrorism tactics.

Over time church officials repurposed public Celtic festival halls into religious institutions, and installed their exclusively male priests. They appropriated the learning and production centers known as abbeys that previously had been open to all, and made them male-only private religious institutions. The church state took over Celtic refuge castles and transformed them into royal residences.

By the 15th century the entirety of Europe had fallen under the feudalist, imperial, Roman, master-servant-based church state. By then heresy laws - that had been in effect for a millennium - effectively criminalized secular expression. From about the 13th to the 17th centuries, the church state led the hunting, mock trying and burning at the stake of witches, most of whom were women. During this era, too, the church state accused, punished and displaced Jews for spurious accusations, such as holding them criminally responsible for the 14th century Bubonic Plague. Anyone who refused to profess the basic tenets of the Christian religion – worshipping a god for making his son a human sacrifice or partaking of communion in which the supplicants pretended to drink the blood and eat the flesh of the son, as examples – could be subject to death, expulsion, torture as a public spectacle and divestment of property, among other things.

At the end of the 18th century, the aftermath of the French Revolution partially reversed Christian takeover of lands and reinstated a judicial system. Historical writings since that time continue to be unreliable, a narrative controlled by slave-owners and monarchs. The time has come for honest accounting of a very complicated past, but that must start with a free and open society that includes justice and liberty for all.

https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/end-2000-years-of-discrimination-against-women-and-jews-1?just_launched=true Petition filed with Moveon Jun 3, 2021

Monday, March 29, 2021

Mythical phantoms have plagued women needlessly for the past 2000 years. Only by confronting these fabricated specters can the world finally break free and regain inclusivity, with prosperity open for all. https://youtu.be/QfyHA-ERO7U

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Christianity is a feudal master-servant system that glorifies men and denigrates women. Christianity's white male elites strive to destroy fair governance, using terrorism, atrocity and relaying threats from unseen male-only gods. Catholic Priest William Kosco in Buckeye, AZ tell parishioners that Joe Biden’s “ideas are not welcome here...Would you give him communion? No. Over my dead body. Not until he repents.” https://youtu.be/iQ5EZOMZadI

Monday, February 22, 2021

HALLSTATT'S WARRIOR WOMEN https://youtu.be/DjHhXJHFKCY We've uncovered riches about our shared past and we've anxious to show you our findings. Let me fill in some background, if I could. After revising my Finding Slovenia book. Recently I found correlations in Austria too. We hope that you can see what we see. In a nutshell, I found golden portrayals of women, done in the Celtic way of honoring heroes. We actually had to redo this film as the path unfolded. I took another look at photos from a couple years ago and saw the sword. Witch trials. I hadn’t even noticed the sword when I took the picture and I wouldn’t have thought of witch trials without seeing the memorial in Slovenia. Salzburg witch trials – the medieval seat of Bishops of Salzburg who took over Slovenian lands. Salt. The Salzkammergut. Fabulous pre-Christian wealth in this natural trove of iron and salt.. Put one clue on top of the other. Christianity recognizes only male gods. A church named after a woman with a gilded interior that exalts women – really? It is surely a Celtic fest hall despite the overlay of clergy and crucifixes. Now, in two striking instances we have seen heroes halls link to women burned as witches. These tributes are magnificent, both in painting and sculpture. Vivid colors, precisely decorated pillars and exquisitely intricate framing techniques interweave strands in characteristic Celtic styles. Here again in both Slovenia and Austria, as we’ve seen repeatedly across Europe, the way to survive Christian censorship is to add Christian elements. But just look at the overall context of these exquisitely rendered tableaux. They speak loud and clear: Celtic veneration. 
 Blank out religious fictions. Rely on your own eyes and knowledge. Then light will flood darkness to show A fabled ancestral world. Raise a glass to the keepers of the flame – May we do as well in protecting our family and lands. All best from Jacqui and Blair

Tuesday, February 2, 2021




A finely carved book cover may portray a famous European family while shining a wondrous new light on ages long disregarded as too dark to notice.

Please also visit www.hiddenwomenbooks.com, newly-revised for your convenience.
