Sunday, December 1, 2019

Lexicus Press is delighted to announce publication of

Frankish Splendor and Valor in Celtic Europe
Hidden Women Series #3, 
a study of women from the gilded pre-Christian era to vilification.

The 3rd in the Hidden Women series, Frankish Splendor and Valor in Celtic Europe, traces the Franks, a leading Celtic family, from the gilded era of wealth and technological advancement in pre-Christian Europe.  The role of the women in Europe has swung dramatically since the Iron Age - from abbesses in illustrious learning centers to refugees in a continent under siege.  Through discoveries in archaeology, law, art and literature, a more accurate picture of the past is emerging to explain this change.  
The author’s on-going study relies on independently verifiable evidence and on-site investigation for a multi-disciplinary analysis.  Since conquerors’ objectives have dictated much of Europe’s written record, the victors' version of history is not taken at face value.

Friday, November 15, 2019

"The salon focused on Celtic culture in France and was a lively discussion. According to Stewart, Celtic women were equal because their culture was based on family and nature. Women were stewards of family, but also participated in all areas of leadership and culture. That changed under conquering Roman and Christian law where Celtics became slaves and women were treated 'like chattel,' said Stewart."

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Celtic Culture in France & How Women fit into it
Sat, Nov 2, 2019 7:00 PM PST
Salon Silicon Valley: Celtic Culture in France & How Women fit into it
November 2, 2019 at 7 pm

The Alliance Française Silicon Valley announces a salon to discuss the Celtic culture that is being uncovered by archeological studies across Europe, especially as it relates to present-day France. From thriving Iron Age
domains in Burgundy to the blossoming of the current champagne trade, this multi-disciplinary approach seeks to piece together a more accurate view of the past by relying on verifiable facts and cutting-edge technology.

Author Jacqueline Widmar Stewart, and husband, fellow researcher and editor Blair Walker Stewart will lead the salon in English. A bilingual French and English discussion will be facilitated by Hélène Laroche Davis.

Stewart’s other books include Parks and Gardens in Greater Paris (also available in French), Champagne Regained, and the first two books of the Hidden Women series: A History of Europe, Celts and Freedom and Celtic
Burgundy. Alumni of Stanford Law School, team Stewart is conducting an on-going exploration of Celtic Europe.

Champagne and light refreshments will be served.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

When fleeing is not an option

Unlikely as it seems, two completely different circumstances gave rise to dilemmas that no one wants to confront. These two occur in two different generations, in two different parts of the world.  They are, though, two branches of the same family, and actually quite the same.

One takes place in Chicago. A bright-eyed young couple has just bought their first home, and it’s the only one they could afford.  It’s falling down around its ankles, but it is a house with a great layout.  He is an architect with unlimited potential; she is a teacher who will touch the lives of hundreds of young children facing never-ending hurdles in their lives.

They are moving in with 3 young children of their own.  Life is full of exciting challenges on their tree-lined street, keeping 2 careers alive and the children all pointed in the right directions.

Then it happens.  

Their older son gets beaten up on his way to school.

It keeps happening.  

The family is stretched in every possible direction to keep things moving along. 

What to do.  

It turns out the son’s confrontation can be easily resolved.  He’s going to the public school.  If he goes to the parochial school, these problems will disappear.

So it goes.  The son completes a parochial education, but fine. Then it’s time for college, but the state school slots have gone to higher bidders from abroad.  Fine.  He studies out-of-state.  Fine. He marries in a church, fine, and all their children will be raised religious, fine.

The second setting takes place in another idyllic setting, but on another continent.  A babbling brook meanders down from the mountaintop to a short stretch of forested flatland.  There Onkel Max and Tanta Käte live with their 4 sons and their aging parents. Life proceeds in this natural haven, with the orchard, gardens and alpine wonders just outside their front door. 

Onkel Max works at the bank for his day job, but loves to craft stained windows, fine furniture and even a stainless-steel oven when he’s home.  In late afternoons when his friends come around, he brings out his violin and they all sit on the front stairs singing and playing together in the setting sun.  

Onkel Max is pretty much immobilized when fascists take over the government.  What can he do when a border suddenly slices off part of his extended family into an entirely different country, with a different language, different religion, different ethnicity.  His mother who has fallen into the grips of dementia is now accusing his wife of stealing from her.  His wife, originally from the Czech lands, is being singled out for Slavic heritage. His sons want to make their way in the world.

His circumstances won’t let him follow others who have set out on the excruciating journey to America. It is not in his cards.  His first devotion is to his family – how to protect them.   Ok, Hitler has some good ideas – the autobahns, the aspirin.  We need a united Europe and maybe he can do that.

His youngest son will later say that he belongs to the church, but just for the art and music.

Keep marching.  
It’s family first – 
what our ancestors had to do.  
Keep marching.

Work for the right;
Hope for the good,
Keep marching.

It can’t all be perfect;
You do what you can;
Keep marching.

It’s the only way to survive.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

It gives us great pleasure to announce
that a complimentary Slovenian version of 
HIDDEN WOMEN: A History of Europe, Celts and Freedom 
is now available on   

Translated by Lia Janželj

(The German version is also available on Amazon)

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Celtic Europe with the Stewarts
University Club of Chicago
July 12, 2019
Salon luncheon

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Lexicus Press takes great pleasure 
in announcing the publication of 


Eine Geschichte Europas, Kelten & Freiheit

Available on Amazon 

  • ISBN-13: 978-1796984415

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Hidden Women: Celtic Burgundy & Europe
by Jacqueline Widmar Stewart
Lexicus Press

"Celtic women fought alongside their men to defend their families; Roman women did not."
The second in a series of books addressing pre-Christian, pre-Roman history hidden within the artifacts of Europe until a century ago, this study brings to light the fascinating discoveries that challenge written accounts of the time. In her attempt to address the implications of the findings, the author relies solely on the archaeology and uses only those written histories which can be independently verified. This look at the accomplishments and contributions of Celtic Burgundy reveals a society whose influence is seen throughout Europe today in architecture, education, hydrology, and textiles. One of the most astounding findings of the artifacts, however, is the equality which women and men enjoyed in Celtic society. In fact, studies reveal that the treatment of women changed dramatically around 2,000 years ago with their subjugation and designation as the mere property of fathers and husbands. 
Stewart’s book is not only one of historical importance; it is one of beauty. Scattered throughout are poems of the author’s impressions of visited sites and the stories they reveal, and anyone wishing to find European sites offering a glimpse into Celtic civilization will also find a useful appendix listing them as well as numerous maps marking important areas of Celtic Burgundy. The many photographs of what was once Celtic Burgundy are as stunning as the newly uncovered history that continues to emerge from its artifacts. The work shines a light onto a world long hidden—a pre-Christian world which “revered women as the gateway to the future, but also honored the leadership, valor, and accomplishments of both [its] men and women.” It is an intriguing world the author introduces to readers and one which calls into question the forces behind its demise.

RECOMMENDED by the US Review


Saturday, May 25, 2019

Tough topics
in Paris gardens

French horticultural students brought me this beautiful bouquet from their gardens, but they also gave me a more poignant gift.  They asked me what I thought of our American invention of suburbs.

I hadn't thought about what suburbs have done to Europe in a while. Years ago in Sweden I visited a tapestry weaver in a new subdivision full of wild flowers.  More recently, though, French films set in Paris suburbs seethe with resentment and anger.

By asking the question, the students intimated the answer.  Too often, bedroom "communities" abolish community ideals.  Developers who run sewer and electricity to lots - and little else - deprive their residents of their own gardens, parks, swimming pools, libraries, festive halls, public markets and art centers.  Suburban dwellers seeking these amenities in nearby locales probably do not support them as fully as core members.

Our Iron Age ancestors could teach us something.  They put their best efforts into their shared spaces.  Halls where they celebrated weddings, birthdays, solstices - those were their gems.  They received guests in those vaunted places, in the midst of parks and gardens.

The whole point of governance is to pull together, not apart.

Mindful students bring hope for a beautiful future.  Please keep thinking about these issues, dear young Scholars.  We need your brains now more than ever.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

It gives us great pleasure to announce to you
that Jacqueline Widmar Stewart
has joined the board of the Alliance Française Silicon Valley.

With best wishes,
Jacqui and Blair

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Lexicus Press announces the publication of

Eine Geschichte Europas, Kelten & Freiheit
Available on Amazon
ISBN-13: 978-1796984415

German translation of HIDDEN WOMEN: A History of Europe, Celts and Freedom

Monday, March 11, 2019

"The maidens, attended by the knights, advanced and greeted each other courteously; then they sat down on the clover, and many that had been strangers became acquainted.  They bade pour out wine for the women; and seeing it was already noon, they rested there no longer, but rode till they came to broad pavilions, where they were well served.  They stayed there the night through, till the early morning."

           From the Nibelungenlied, describing 3rd or 4th century happenings as written down some 8 centuries later.

Pavilions?  These are in Karlovy Vary.


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Iconoclasm Needed

Caesar’s no hero; God is not good
“Civilized” doesn’t mean free
Examined close-up, the truth comes through 
The root of the fallacy

This world of ours needs fixing
Justice does not prevail
Until male despots no longer rule
Democracy’s doomed to fail